Kiwi in Berlin

I'm just one of the 250 (registered) New Zealanders living in Berlin. Here I try to answer pressing questions such as: What are the Germans like? What happens in Berlin on a day-to-day basis? Why is NZ so far away? What does "playing the offended sausage" mean?

Monday, September 13, 2004


The Godafather was okay. Well acted and good plot, but the whole mafia thing has been done to death ever since and I'm not such a fan, anyway. I can't identify with a bunch of thugs.
Am a bit let down because I just got a rejection letter for two of my travel articles. The features ed sounded quite sad to say no, but it was for a girl mag and apparently my articless weren't NZ-focused enough (but that's the point!) or perky enough (I take that as a compliment). So a slight disappointment but it was a nice letter and good to actually get a reply with feedback. She said to send her more stuff, too. And rejections are normal, though I've been pretty lucky so far..
I have to give a speech to my German class this morning about the Maori culture.


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