Kiwi in Berlin

I'm just one of the 250 (registered) New Zealanders living in Berlin. Here I try to answer pressing questions such as: What are the Germans like? What happens in Berlin on a day-to-day basis? Why is NZ so far away? What does "playing the offended sausage" mean?

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Home alone

Yesterday I went to an art exhibition on Museum Island with some people from my class, then had lunch with them. That was nice. I don't have any close friends here right now, but I don't really care - it's good to get to know new people a bit.
Because I'm here by myself, I downloaded a film that only I would want to see. No, I'm not going to say what it was! No, it was not The Sound of Music, though I do have a soft spot for Christopher Plummer.
Today I'm trying to finish an article, but procrastinating a lot and looking longingly out the window at the sunny day.


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