Wo ist Pappi?
Managed to have a reasonably administrative conversation with my landlord today, so must be learning some German.
The weather here is different to NZ. Obviously more clearly defined seasons, but also the light is different. And the moon appears much bigger. Speaking of the moon, Richard Branson is promising trips to space in a few years for cheap (ie, only a couple of hundred thousand bucks) prices. Well, I hope it works out. I'd love to go into space. Who wouldn't? And why can't I think about space without David Bowie's "Space Oddity" popping into my head? ("This is Ground Control to Major Tom, la la la la la laaaa.")
Su-Ah, the girl from Korea in my class, saw my iPod today. She didn't know what it was so I expained. Then we had a brief conversation about the evils of downloading ("It's not stealing, it's sharing" - me. ) Her opinion was partly shaped by the ads they show here in Germany of little girls wandering round the house going "Wo ist Pappi?" as the mother rocks back and forth crying. Turns out Pappi was a naughty pirate and is in the slammer awaiting execution. Okay, not the last part! But is being suitably punished.
If I was Catholic and confessed my downloading, would I be absolved? I'll say three Hail Marys, just in case.
Downloaded in German is gedownloadet. Very thinly disguised English. Like gecovered, ausgeflippt or abgefuckt.
The weather here is different to NZ. Obviously more clearly defined seasons, but also the light is different. And the moon appears much bigger. Speaking of the moon, Richard Branson is promising trips to space in a few years for cheap (ie, only a couple of hundred thousand bucks) prices. Well, I hope it works out. I'd love to go into space. Who wouldn't? And why can't I think about space without David Bowie's "Space Oddity" popping into my head? ("This is Ground Control to Major Tom, la la la la la laaaa.")
Su-Ah, the girl from Korea in my class, saw my iPod today. She didn't know what it was so I expained. Then we had a brief conversation about the evils of downloading ("It's not stealing, it's sharing" - me. ) Her opinion was partly shaped by the ads they show here in Germany of little girls wandering round the house going "Wo ist Pappi?" as the mother rocks back and forth crying. Turns out Pappi was a naughty pirate and is in the slammer awaiting execution. Okay, not the last part! But is being suitably punished.
If I was Catholic and confessed my downloading, would I be absolved? I'll say three Hail Marys, just in case.
Downloaded in German is gedownloadet. Very thinly disguised English. Like gecovered, ausgeflippt or abgefuckt.
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