Kiwi in Berlin

I'm just one of the 250 (registered) New Zealanders living in Berlin. Here I try to answer pressing questions such as: What are the Germans like? What happens in Berlin on a day-to-day basis? Why is NZ so far away? What does "playing the offended sausage" mean?

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Blogging is paused for this announcement:

I have a two-day German exam on Friday and Saturday. That means until then I am going to try to see no English, speak no English and hear no English (evil is fine). So that means cutting myself off from most of the internet. :(

Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to surf gently through blog archives in my absence.

PS Berlin offers many famous winter activites, but I didn't realise this shopping mall event was one of them...Read the below promotion and see if you can spot what was somehow lost in translation:

Europa Center during Christmas

Especially in winter time the shopping mall attracts many people by presenting several highlights. For its guests there will be 40 funny gnomes sawing, hammering and screwing while Santa Claus looks forward to meeting you in the atrium, where you have the chance to take a picture with him.


  • At November 15, 2004 at 9:32 PM, Blogger Vivi said…

    Hey, gnomes need love too! ;)

  • At November 16, 2004 at 6:09 AM, Blogger - said…

    I have heard that German is the language most suitable for philosophy, German language has got the most fabou-lous texts on philosophy. Like Wittgenstein's or Marx'. Though i dont know german, had to read the translations.

    I can learn german just to understand Witt genstein better or to read Rilke from its original language. I am
    postponning it continously.


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